Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 27, 2012 -Club Rush

September 20, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:07pm.
·         Quick hello to all members
·         Thanked all new members for coming
·         Reviewed the last meeting minutes from September 13th. Motion to approve.
A.  Mundo motioned
B.  Robert seconds.
·         Rebecca from the Social Work Club announced upcoming workshops for students and faculty.
A.   A bully awareness workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 16th from 12-1 in Kern Rm. 733.
-  Bully and victim volunteers needed to share stories.
B.  A domestic violence workshop will be held on Tuesday, October 23rd from 21-1 in Hospital Rock Rm. 134.
-  Volunteers needed to share stories of either growing up in the environment, a victim to battery and batterers.
C.  To volunteer contact Rebecca at 559-553-3332 or
·         Sgt. Jim Carr from the Visalia Police Department spoke about his experiences working as an openly gay police officer.
·         Robert gave the treasurers update
A.  Began with $1,402
B.  $100 was moved to the scholarship fund
C.  Ending total of $1,302
·          Volunteers needed for Ms. Hanson’s Human Sexuality course panel for Pride Day in the class.
A.  1 hour and 20 minutes of an open and honest question and answer session.
B.  Dates incude
-  October 24th
·         9:10-10:25
·         10:45-12:00
·         12:10-1:25
-  October 25th
·         9:10-10:25
·         10:45-12:00
·         Andre announced that Juan will not be able to provide the chips and cheese for club rush and instead he has volunteered to provide the items.
·         The next meeting we will be discussing the club budget.
·         Reminder than Family Fest is on September 29th
A.  $6 per car, wear club shirt.
B.  Passed around sign-up sheet.
·         Soup Day has been set for November 13th.
A.  Setup will begin at 9am
B.  Goal is to feed 500+ students
C.  We will discuss further information at a later date.
·         Juan gave an ICC update.
·          Mundo announced homecoming week next week
A.  Homecoming dance is 18+ on Thursday, September 27th in the old gym.
B.  Tuesday and Thursday are spirit days wear COS colors
C.  Tuesday there will be a scavenger hunt
·         Mundo mentioned that people are being talked about openly on campus and so everyone really needs to consider what they’re saying and think about it before they say anything because a lot of people aren’t ready to come out publically. So don’t assume people already know.
·         Andre discussed hangout day and let everyone know that all club members are responsible to help clean up afterwards. No messes should be left behind and no one should have to clean up after another club member or guest.
A.  Therefore, from now on, no one is leaving until the room is completely clean.
·         National Coming Out Day is October 11th from 10-1
A.  Club will
-  Have bracelets
-  Play games
-  Have sayings on boards to take diversity pictures in support.
B.  Germaine motioned
C.  Keith seconds
D.  Vote taken
E.  Motion passed
·         Andre reminded everyone that no meeting will be held next Thursday because of Club Rush and he’ll see everyone there.
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:55pm 

September 13, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:18pm.
·         Alicia showed pictures of the “Celebrate Diversity” booth at the Tulare County Fair.

A.  The booth won 1st place.

B.  Miss Tulare County Fair took pictures with the booth.
·         Tickets to the fair were passed out to those that volunteered to work at the booth at the fair.
 ·         Robin presented an event to members in regards to finding volunteers in the club willing to help the political activist group, “Get Equal”, with a phone call making night. This phone call night is intended find those in support of prop 14 and collect their information in order to keep contact with the campaign; As well as to send information regarding a large conference call in support of prop 14 that will be made.  
A.  2 hours volunteer time needed
- Pizza and a movie will be provided to volunteers.
-  Personal cell phones will need to be used.
-  Goal to complete phone call night will be no later than the first or second week of October.
B.  Club members decided the event will be held on October 10th, from 6pm-8pm.
-  Keith motioned.
-  Juan and Robert Seconds.
-  Next meeting a sign-up sheet will be passed around.
·         Gary of PFLAG reminded members of the next PFLAG meeting held this Sunday, October 16th, with a special guest speaker about harassment and bullying.
A.  Held in the administration building of family healthcare network building downtown for those interested in attending.
·         Last meeting minutes were reviewed for approval.
A.  Genevieve motioned.
B.  Germaine seconds.
·         Andre welcomed all new members.
·         Andre announced that the soup day discussion with ASB went well and is scheduled to be held on either November 8th or 15th.
·         Andre asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting
A.  Juan motioned
B.  Robert seconds
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:49pm

September 06, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:09pm.
·         Andre presented the minutes from the first meeting held on 8/23 for club members to read.
A.  Andre asked for a motion to approve the minutes.
-  Genevieve motioned.
-  Nellie seconds the motion.
·         Andre presented the minutes from the second meeting held on 8/30 for club members to read.
A.  Andre asked for a motion to approve the minutes.
-  Robert motioned.
-  Keith seconds the motion.
·         Alicia introduced Jennifer McGuire from the Trevor Project and Joan from PFLAG.
·         Jennifer presented information about “A Day of Remembrance” on October 6th and 7th. To get involved everyone brings shoes in remembrance of someone who committed suicide. 
A.  Alicia interjected that this will be a visual representation to display just how many suicides happen. There will be a box in her office if members would like to donate any pair of shoes to the cause.
B.  Joan commented that the shoes should be in decent condition because they will be donated for use after the representation ends.
·         Andre mentioned Club Social to establish who will be going. Members attending include:
A.  Andre
B.  Genevieve
C.  Robert
D.  Nellie
·         Andre announced that the wristbands planned to be sold at Club Rush are no longer distributed by Rainbow Delegation and Gay Central Valley has taken over duties. Because of this change the wristbands are now available for purchase at $1.00 each but cannot be re-sold according to Gay Central Valley’s terms and conditions.
A.  Members discussed possibly changing vendors or creating wristbands and having those available to sell.
B.  By majority vote, club members decided to continue with the purchase of the wristbands through Gay Central Valley and distribute them for free with a donation jar available for those that do wish donate.
-  Alicia mentioned that Andre should call Gay Central Valley and verify information so COS will issue the check to a valid non-profit since Rainbow Delegation was not a registered non-profit.
·         Andre asked Genevieve how much meat will be needed for the Frito boats that will be sold at Club Rush based on the amount used last year.
A.  Genevieve is going to double check but estimated about 2-3 pounds of ground turkey meat.
B.  Gailerd Swisegood mentioned a possible re-evaluation of the selling of Frito boats due to the fact that Nachos will be sold by the Social Work Club and the two products are similar which could drive down sales.
C.  Germaine interjected an idea to also sell Hot Cheetos in the bag with nacho cheese inside.
D.  Members voted to continue with the sales of the Frito boats.
·         Andre asked to see a show of hands of members that paid dues at the last meeting because they did not get record of one member that had paid.
A.  This missing member/info of paid dues was America’s.
B.  Andre mentioned that member dues are due today but are not necessary unless you wish to be a voting member.
·         Jennifer introduced information about an exhibition booth that will be in the exhibit hall at the Tulare Fair next week.
A.  9 local LGBTQA groups will be creating this exhibit.
B.  They already have a COS PRIDE poster ready for the exhibit.
C.  They are looking for volunteers to help decorate (Rainbows), donate and host the exhibit.
-  Jennifer will send volunteers the necessary information needed to host the exhibit and will also provide cheat sheets on all of the local clubs and organizations along with their information for the volunteer to present to those asking for further information.
D.  There will be highly monitored security for the exhibit and any problems occur it will be dealt with immediately by removal from the fair completely.
E.  A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers for 3 hour shifts (Wed-Sun) to sign up for. Name, phone number, and email were asked of those that wish to volunteer.
F.  Volunteers will most likely get fair and parking passes but nothing is guaranteed. If a member can only volunteer with available passes they were asked to put an asterisk next to their name and Jennifer will definitely get the passes.
G.  Andre asked if members had any other questions.
H.  Gailerd Swisegood asked Jennifer if all volunteers are welcome from any organization. Jennifer replied with a yes of course and stated that the theme of the exhibition is “Celebrate Diversity” and that’s exactly what they plan to do, so everyone is welcome.
I.   Members ended the discussion with a round of applause for Jennifer’s presentation.
·         Andre gave further information about Family Fest
A.  The price is $6 per car.
B.  Brooke of Gay Visalia would like volunteers to help set up. Andre passed a volunteer sheet around for those available to help out.
C.  A sign-up sheet for the Family Fest potluck was also sent around.
·         Andre mentioned that the hang out day, next Thursday, Sept 13th, will consist of 15 minutes of club business and the rest of the time will be “hang out” time only.
A.  Andre asked Genevieve to start passing around the sign-up sheet.
B.  Andre mentioned that Germaine will be in contact.
·         Juan gave an ICC update with an overview of events going on in other clubs. Including:
A.  Club Reports:
-  Young Democrats: Will be selling baked goods on Thursday Sept. 6th from 10-1 in the quad.
-  AG Dairy Club: Kim P. is going to be taking Heifers to the Fresno Co. Fair
-  Plant Science: Having a tri-tip luncheon that is free to everyone on Thurs Sept. 20th at the COS Farm.
-  Livestock Club: Is in the process of starting up.
-  Equine Science: COS Horse Show is on Oct. 27-28th. The club needs volunteers to help setup and help during the event, all clubs are welcome.
-  Blacksmith Convention: On Oct. 19th-21st they will be selling pork sausage and lamb at the event.
-  Learning Committee Club (FYE): Will be holding its first meeting in Sycamore 107 from 12-1pm
-  Bowyers Club: Makes handmade bows and will have target shooting at COS Farm Sept. 14th. Starting at 11am.
B.  Notes about Club Rush:
-  College Republicans: will be selling Polish dogs.
-  AGS:  will sell Tri-tip.
-  BStars: will sell “Greens” and Cornbread.
-  Social Work: Nachos.
-  PUENTE: Puente Wheels/Doritos/Chicharrones.
-  Vets Society: Ice Cream and Sno-Cones.
-  PRIDE Club: Chips (variety) with ground meat and nacho cheese.
-  Young Democrats: Pizza and baked goods.
-  Architecture: Juice drinks with added fruit.
·         Andre introduced “National Coming Out” Day event on October 11th.
A.  It’s a week-long celebration but only a one day event at COS.
B.  Food Sales will be discussed at a later date.
C.  Andre wants to invite a bunch of the local organizations, such as:
-  The Trevor Project
-  Porterville Pride
-  Gay Visalia
-  Etc. (e.g. Health center will be displaying depression awareness information.)
D.  Alicia made everyone aware that this is an event that is the schools responsibility that the PRIDE advisors are in charge of it, not the club, so not to overwhelm ourselves.
E.  Alicia also mentioned that we can invite other clubs but to keep in mind the club message when choosing which club to invite; because some of them may not share the same views as the Pride club and will conflict with the message we are trying to present.
F.  Gailerd interjected that he and Alicia have shirts available which is a great way of representing the club.
G.  Alicia stated that in the past they’ve had a microphone out on stage for people to go up to and speak about coming out or to actually come out on, and will probably do the same thing this year.
H.  Alicia mentioned that since October is LGBT history month, a display of LGBT history will be there. Talk to her about any ideas that members have for this display.
I.   Last year’s feedback was that people wanted even more so this year we’re aiming to meet that request.
·         Andre will soon go speak to the ASB about Soup Day.
A.  For new members: Soup day is a way to give back the students by giving everyone a free hot meal. Some of which wouldn’t have been able to have lunch otherwise. It’s a way to make a difference within our community.
B.  It will be held on either November 8th or 15th.
C.  We will involve other clubs such as ASB and the Sustainability Club.
D.  Last year during soup day we raised money for the Eric James Memorial Scholarship through donations.
·         Andre asked members to get ready to participate in an icebreaker.
·         Andre asked for any other business or comments?
A.  Benjamin stated that he will be attending a bible study for the LGBT community called “Gay and Christian” and if anyone would like to participate, contact Mr. Swisegood.
B.  Andre thanked new members for attending.
C.  Joan mentioned that PFLAG’s next meeting is on September 16th and Judy Shepherd a speaker about hate crimes and violence will be there. There is no new information about the painting on “Make a Difference Day”.
·         Andre asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
A.  Juan Motioned
B.  Nellie seconds the motion.
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:54pm 

August 30, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:11pm. Quick hello from all members present.
·         Andre assigned a number to each member and everyone gathered into 3 different groups based on number given. Within the groups, members discussed their proudest moment as an LBGT individual or straight ally.
·         Presentation and introduction of PFLAG by Gary Gib.
A.  Mentioned meetings of education, support and advocacy for members, community supporters, and family.
·         Discussed whether or not we wanted to have a booth at Family Fest on September 29th for $25
A.  Club decided against a booth. Members will instead go as a group, wear club t-shirts and have a potluck.
·         Next big event: Club Rush, September 27th from 10am-1pm. Members will need to arrive at 9am to help set up. Sign-up sheet was passed around to get member contact information and availability to help. Sales were discussed and decided as follows:
A.  Carmel Pretzels
-  Donated by Robert
B.  Frito Boats
-  Chips, meat, and cheese donated by Juan
-  Bowls donated by Andre
C.  Wristbands
-  Motion passed to buy $50.00 worth. Check will be sent immediately.
-  Motion passed to sell for $1.50/ea
·         Discussed Webmaster position
A.  Motion passed to assign temporary responsibility to the Vice President of the club.
·         Hang out day: Club members decided to hold these days at the beginning of each month.
A.  Motion passed to have a hang out day on the first Thursday of each month.
-  The first one this semester will be held on September 13th. A sign-up sheet for a potluck was passed around.
·         Robert, the club treasurer, collected membership fees - $3 per member.
·         Information about the Reel Pride Outreach event held in Fresno was pesented.
A.  For more details visit the website at
·         Joan from PFLAG was introduced and invited us to meetings held every 3rd Sunday of the month in the administration building in family healthcare network downtown.
A.  Joan also invited us to join their group for “Make a difference day” on October 27, location-TBA. We would be painting something in the area. Club name will be included on the t-shirt if we decide to participate.
-  Motion tabled.
·         Club Social is on September 13th from 3pm-4pm in the Little CafĂ©. 4 members and the advisors will attend.
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:57pm