Monday, December 12, 2011

12.08.11 Meeting Minutes

Pride Club Minutes
Thursday December 02, 2011
Advisor: Gailerd Swisegood
Co-Advisor: Alicia Crumpler
President: Reymundo Buenrostro
Vice-President: Benjamin Gamez
Secretary: Open
Treasurer: Open
ICC Rep: Juan Moreno

12:05pm - Meeting Called to order.
Last weeks minutes approved motion to approve by Andre, Alissa and club.
Reymundo Presented new positions to club; Event coordinator and web-master. Rules and by laws described to club and reviewed. Unanimous club approval for new positions to be approved and entered in club by laws.
Alicia asked to mention to club a second order of shirts can be ordered in women sizes if demanded.
Reymundo presented a Power point presentation “A look back at our semester together”. This was a collaboration of pictures and videos taken throughout the semester of club events.
 12:30pm - Mr. Swisegood took over floor for club raffle, while members enjoyed potluck.
At this time Reymundo passed around “Thank You” Cards to have club members sign to be delivered.
12:45 pmNominations held:
          President: Juan Moreno, Andre Gomez, Benjamin Gamez.
Vice-President: Juan Moreno, Jared Landulf, Raul Alvarado, Andre Gomez, Genevieve Marquez.
Secretary- Jared Landulf, Raul Alvarado
ICC Representative- Juan Moreno, Genevieve Marquez, Raul Alvarado.
Treasurer- Genevieve Marquez
Event Coordinator- Benjamin Gamez, Andre Gomez, Alissa Renteria, Becca Maldonado, Britnay.
Web-MasterAlissa Renteria, Andre Gomez.
1:00pmMeeting Adjourned