Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 18, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:10pm.
·         Andre introduced guests:
A.   Jennifer McGuire who came to support COS Pride and have a discussion with us involving the Trevor project.
B.   Jennifer brought guest, Tim Rich.
C.   Debra Hansen who teaches Human Sexuality at COS.
·         A reminder of the Human Sexuality class panel was given, along with further information.
A.   Panel members from Pride Club are needed.
B.   4 people for each class session.
C.   This will be a learning experience.
§  Introduce yourself and give bio.
§  Open questioning.
D.   The one rule that is off limits is no Bible scriptures allowed.
E.   Personal and relationship questions will be discussed.
F.   All about asking questions and getting honest answers in response.
·         Robert gave the treasurers update.
A.   $50.00 was made at the National coming out day event.
·         AIDS Walk in Fresno was announced, further discussion necessary.
·         Discussed Halloween carnival
A.   Club members decided to sell pudding cups (“worms in dirt”)
§  Germaine motioned
§  Genevieve seconds
·         There will be a training session available for the LGBT community tonight from 6pm-9pm
·         Club members discussed what they would like to do with a club t-shirt that nacho cheese was spilled on.
A.   Raffle tickets sold for $1 were decided upon.
B.   Andre reminded everyone to bring money to the next meeting if they would like to be involved in the raffle.
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:28pm.