Friday, May 10, 2013

Pride Club Meeting 5/9/13
-start meeting 12:15pm
-Jackiie (ICC update)
            -veggie event with ACT organization May 18th (sat) from 1-6pm
            -asking club members to help
            -vegan (really encouraging to bring veggie food!)
                        -ex: veggie wraps, fruit cups
-Angel (Treasurers report)
            - total $1,167.00
            -$250.00 restricted for canopy
-Approve minutes
            -Angel motions
            -Jackiie seconds
            -motions passes minutes approved
            -“Coming out for Justice”
            -May 18, 2013 –participate in event??
-ELECTIONS for Fall 2013…new president and vice president are..
            -Vice President—Angel
-Potluck Thursday 5/16/13
-Nate—project for Mr. Swisegood’s class
            -“Troubled Gay Young Adults”
-Mundo (ASB)
            -elections for ASB postponed until Fall 2013
            -not enough candidates
            -more people to step-up
            -great experience!!
            -Thank You card for Cleve Jones
            -give Robin a Pride Club shirt as a Thank You
                        -Jasmin motions
                        -Sabrina seconds
                        -motion passes
-12:40pm meeting adjourned
Pride Club Meeting 5/2/13
-start 12:09pm
-approve minutes
            -Gilbert motions
            -Sabrina seconds
-Patty—STD Awareness Fair
            -fun event working with the Pride Club
            -lots of information out in the quad
            -event next semester with Pride Club help
            -change the survey next year on STD testing
            --how to better next time??    
-penis cut-outs were a great attention getter!!
                        -pass out flyers
                        -Juan: “encourage Patty to get in contact with ASB center.”
            -Women’s Health Symposium (5/9/13)
                        -talk about: Diabetes, Domestic Violence, Dangers of Social Media, Safe Sex & STDs, and Dreams, Hopes, & Self Awareness
-Andre –Hangout Day 5/16/13
                                    -Juan, Sabrina
                        -Vice President
                                    -Angel, Chris
            -paid members can ONLY vote
                        -dues $3.00
-Treasurers report (given by Sabrina)
            -started with $1,402.00
            - -$200 for scholarship
            - -$35.00 for the Quill
            -grand total $1,167.00
-Tent not to exceed $250.00
            -Alicia: “Whoever buys the tent for next semester will be reimbursed during the Fall 2013 semester”
            -Gilbert motions
            -Sabrina seconds
            -motion passes
-Mundo (ASB)
            -COS student senate (COS SS)
            -build leadership skills
            -really helps people grow in their own being
            -leadership development classes
            -executive board member seat (deadline May 6th)
                        -repeatable courses (changed)
                                    -details in quad (5/2/13)
            -next semester –Hold officer position for one year instead of one semester
                        -very stressful
                        -bring it up Tuesday to ASB
                        -Pride Club Meetings Fall 2013 to remain Thursdays from 12-1pm
-meeting adjourned at 12:40pm