Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 08, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:16pm.
·         Meeting minutes from 10/25/12 were reviewed for approval.
A.   “Voted to approve $50 for wristbands” was mentioned twice and needs to be amended.
B.   Club voted to approve the minutes with the amendment
§  Genevieve motioned
§  Robert Seconds
§  Motion approved
·         Andre passed out membership forms for those who have not yet filled one out or paid the $3 dues
·         Meeting minutes from 11/01/12 were reviewed for approval
A.   Juan motioned
B.   Genevieve seconds
C.   Motion approved
·         Alicia went into further detail about the approval of prop 8 that is going in front of the Supreme Court on the 20th  of November.
A.   We do not want it to pass because then the decision of the 9th district will immediately go into effect.
·         Andre passed a card for members to fill out and be sent to Mundo in congratulations for becoming the new ASB president.
·         Juan gave the ICC update.
A.   Two more soups for Soup Day were donated.
B.   Halloween event didn’t go as well overall as anticipated.
C.   COS equestrian team won 2nd place in the region and sold more pumpkins at their Harvest Festival than ever before.
D.   Dec 3rd is ICC last meeting. There will be a potluck and pictures.
E.   Mentioned the Democrat rally held In & Out on Election Day, in support of Prop 30.
F.   Carl’s Jr’s lease is up. There is a petition to get rid of them and replace it with other options. A questionnaire and suggestion sheet was passed around for all members to fill out and give opinions on the issue. The new lease will be for the next 6 years.
·         Andre gave the treasurers update because Robert was unable to speak.
A.   $160.62 has been raised this year so far; which altogether totals to $1,410.62 in the account.
§  The scholarship for next year has been covered so far.
·         ASB has bought one-thousand spoons and one-thousand cups for Soup Day.
·         AGS has decided to join Soup Day which means our goal of feeding 500 students has been met.
·         Jasmine discussed ‘Make a Difference Day’ and let all who were unable to attend know how it went.
·         Andre reviewed the sign-up sheet for Soup Day to confirm everyone’s items to bring and time scheduled to work.
·         Club decided to change the start time of Soup Day from 10am to 11am. Set-up will still be at 9am.
A.   Keith Motioned
B.   Germaine Seconds
C.   Motion approved
·         Club members discussed buying a new canopy since ours is falling apart. This will be discussed further at a later date.
·         Andre will buy gloves For Soup Day.
·         Andre and Alicia suggested that club members should all purchase a club t-shirt and wear it to all events.
·         Andre announced an event in support of the transgendered on November 20th in Fresno on Court Ave. There will be a candle light vigil.
A.   For more information, contact Zoyer at 559-285-0795
B.   At the next meeting we will discuss going as a group.  
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:55pm.
A.   Germaine motioned
B.   Robert seconds
C.   Motion approved