Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 4, 2012 -Meeting Minutes

·         Meeting called to order at 12:10pm.
·         Robert gave the treasurers update.
A.  $1,402 minus $100 towards scholarship leaves us with a total of $1,302 available.
·         Ben gave the ICC update:
A.  Discussed how to improve club rush and the multicultural celebration.
·         Reviewed the last meeting minutes from September 20th. Motion to approve.
A.  Genevieve motioned
B.  Robert seconds.
·         Discussed national coming out day which is next Thursday, October 11, 2012.
A.  MECHA would like to participate.
B.   Members decided to sell egg rolls  (pending okay from Germaine)
C.  Nachos will be sold as a backup in case eggrolls don’t work out.
-  Club voted to approve a $40 budget for eggrolls.
·         Keith motioned
·         Alejandro seconds
·         Joan from PFLAG announced further details on “Make a Difference Day”, on October 27th.
A.  We will meet at Santa Fe and Railroad to get rid of the graffiti. Clean and paint over it from 8am-11am.
-  30 people are needed for each site. At least 5 for the organization to get on the make a difference day board.
-  Volunteer sign-up sheet will be passed around.
·         Mundo mentioned that on October 18th Ms. Hansen will give a presentation on suicide prevention where Eric James’ story will be shared and discussed. This falls during our next scheduled meeting which also happens to be hangout day so we will all be attending this.
·         Soup day was discussed. This will be the 4th semester hosting soup day. A signup sheet was passed around. Whatever anyone can bring is good, anything helps.
A.  Mundo is presenting soup day to ASB on Tuesday to see if they would like to join in.
B.  If anyone would like to bring soup, it can be stored in the ASB kitchen or the kitchen by Alicia’s office.
·         During National Coming out Day we need music, send anything you would to be played to Andre. Nothing offensive to women.
·         Genevieve talked about the signs mentioned to show support for the gay community by the community.
A.  10 signs that apply to everyone are needed.
B.  Sign-up sheet was passed around
C.  A facebook event for sign making will be created.
D.  Poster boards, paint, glitter, etc., are needed for those who can help.
·         Andre mentioned the bully workshop and asked for a show of hands of those that plan to go.
·         Andre also gave an update on the call day. It was postponed until further notice. There was no room available for the scheduled day.
·         Meeting is adjourned at 12:43pm. 

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